Classic Shortbread


1/2 cup butter at room temperature
1/3 cup powder sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1 cup flour
Pam oil spray


With your mixer cream the butter until it is light and fluffy. Next cream in powder sugar, then the vanilla. Now mix in the flour. You want to do this quickly and as soon as you get pea sized balls stop mixing. Lightly spray a ceramic shortbread pan with Pam then pour the pea sized crumbs into the pan and smooth level. With the palm of your hand, firmly press down on the dough. Prick the entire surface with a fork and bake the shortbread right in the pan at 325 degrees for about 30-35 minutes. You want it nicely browned on top.

Let the shortbread cool in the pan for about 10 minutes. Using hot pads take the pan and flip over quickly onto a cutting board. Tap gently and it should fall right out. Cut shortbread right away, along the shortbread pan lines. Let cool and enjoy!

- I only wash these ceramic shortbread pans about once a year. You really don't need to wash them every time you use them. I gently wipe out with a damp paper towel. If you do wash it, DO NOT put a hot pan in water. It will crack and break!

These are beautiful pans. You can get them in octagonal or square shaped pans with a dozen designs. There are Christmas snowflakes, teapots, flowers or just the traditional Thistle. (which I love)

Amazon seems to be about the best place right now to buy these pans. They are well worth the money and last a long time. I've had some for mine for 10 years now and they still show no signs of ware.

Madagascar Vanilla (purchase at Chefs Catalog) Of all the vanilla's I've used this is my favorite. Once you've tried it you won't go back!

Madagascar Vanilla (purchase at Chefs Catalog) Of all the vanilla's I've used this is my favorite. Once you've tried it you won't go back!


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